Prepare for your Service

Please Read Each Topic Concerning The Service You Have Requested In Order To Prepare For Your Upcoming Service.

We Can't Wait To Meet You!​

Do I Have To Be Home During The Service?

No, although we would love to see you and chat with you, we are able to perform all of our exterior cleaning services without you being present at your home. If you plan to be away from home during the time of service please allow us to have access to all parts of your property that will be requiring cleaning an a water source if needed.

Pressure Washing


Power Washing


Soft Washing


Pressure Washing 〰️ Power Washing 〰️ Soft Washing 〰️

How Should I Prepare For A Pressure Washing Service?

  • Please ensure that all of your doors and windows are completely shut.

  • Please ensure that we have access to all parts of your property.

  • Please ensure that we have access to a working water source.

  • Please ensure that all of your pets and children are inside the home.

  • Please ensure that everything is pulled away from the areas needing to be cleaned. Potted Plants, Furniture, Electronics, unless otherwise discussed during the estimate visit.

Our pressure washing terms of service:

We are not responsible or liable for any of the following:
Pre-existing damage to any parts of your home including siding, fascia, roofing, windows, screens, concrete, pavers, stonework, brick, tile, decks, fencing, gutters, or roofing.

Standard pressure washing does not include the removal of any of the following:
Rust, oil, grease, glue, paint, caulk, concrete, or any other non-organic material from your surfaces.

Roof Washing


Roof Cleaning


Roof Washing 〰️ Roof Cleaning 〰️

How Should I Prepare For A Roof Washing Service?

  • Please ensure that all of your doors and windows are completely shut.

  • Please ensure that we have access to all parts of your property.

  • Please ensure that we have access to a working water source.

  • Please ensure that all of your pets and children are inside the home.

  • Please make sure to water all of your plants thoroughly before we arrive.

Our Roof washing terms of service:

In order to clean your roof with zero chance of damage and ensure the greatest lifespan of your roof, we will wash your roof with detergent and/or sodium hypochlorite. The use of soft washing with sodium hypochlorite completely removes the risk of using high pressure on your roof however it does come with some other inherent risks. The use of sodium hypochlorite on your roof is for the purpose of killing any organic living matter on the shingles or tiles of your roof. That being said it is possible that the run-off of this cleaning detergent and sodium hypochlorite, could harm other organic plant life near your home. We cannot guarantee that your landscaping will be completely unaffected and you should be wary of any roof cleaner that says otherwise. We will do all that we can to help mitigate the risks of our cleaning detergents affecting plant matter around the base of your home. We will do this by pushing the water runoff towards areas with less plant matter. We will also dilute all concentrations of cleaning detergent by spraying water before and after the job. All of these precautions will help to greatly reduce the risk of affecting plant matter, but if you do notice any issues please give us a call right away!

Do I need to be concerned about my plants? Yes, unless we agreed on something else during the initial walk through.

How Do I Pay For My Residential Service?

If you are home during the cleaning payment is due upon completion of our service. You may pay in the form of cash, check, credit card, or some form of payment App. Accepted forms of app payments are but not limited to Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, and Cash App. If you are not home during the cleaning service then we will email you an invoice with a link to a payment portal which you can then pay with a credit card. Payment is due within three business days of the sent invoice.